RAT execution for Multiple Basins

RAT 3.0 offers user the flexibility to run RAT for multiple basins using a single configuration file. Please note that this feature will not save time in execution of RAT for multiple basins or run it in parallel mode. It will simply execute RAT for each basin in a sequential mode. The only advantage of using this feature is that the user will not have to prepare and work with multiple configuration files which can be difficult to handle.

To implement this feature RAT uses basins_metadata which is a csv file that is multi-indexed and have same indexing as 'rat_config.yml'. Below is a snapshot of how basins_metadata should look like.

Screenshot of Basins_Metadata.csv

It should definitely have the index basin_name for section BASIN as it needs to be different for all basins and same is true for basin_id. Rest all those parameters which do not vary between basins can be provided in the configuration file and those which will vary must be provided in the basins_metadata csv file.


  1. To make use of basins_metadata, multiple_basin_run in GLOBAL section should be true.
  2. The values of basin_name from basins_metadata should be provided in the list basins_to_process for all the river basins for which you want to run RAT for.
  3. A sample copy of basins_metadata is provided in 'params' folder inside project_dir with the name of 'basins_metadata_sample.csv'.